
Articles Posted in Nursing Home Abuse


Mentally Ill Man Charged in Nursing Home Rape

In a previous blog from October, our Maryland Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys reported on a nursing home assault from earlier this year that shed light on the ongoing problem many nursing homes are facing today—on how to maintain nursing home safety for residents who share facilities with mentally ill patients…


Elderly Resident at Nursing Home Wins $7.75 Million in Abuse Case

In recent nursing home abuse news, our Maryland-based Attorneys have been following the case announced last week, where the family of a nursing home resident who sued Fillmore Convalescent Center for elder abuse and was awarded $7.75 million in monetary damages. According to the lawsuit, in 2006, the family of…


Top Ten Important Considerations for Choosing a Nursing Home

A recent report that our nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys have been following gives an expert recommended list of ten top considerations for choosing nursing home care. • Discuss with the resident what their goals and expectations are proactively, before the resident goes into the home. Also discuss the…


Inspection Reports in Nursing Homes—Preventing Personal Injury

In a related post from last week, our Maryland Nursing Home Injury Lawyers discussed the importance of researching the up to date results on recent inspections when choosing a nursing home in the state of Maryland, especially with regard to complaints and deficiencies in homes that can lead to nursing…


Rating Nursing Homes—The Five-Star Quality Rating System

In a previous post from this week, our Maryland Nursing Home Attorneys reported on basic planning tips for families searching for the right nursing home environment that promotes proper care, protects the health and safety of the resident, and is free from nursing home neglect and abuse. One recommendation was…


Nursing Home Worker Charged with Neglect and Force-feeding

In a recent nursing home abuse case that our Maryland attorneys at Lebowitz and Mzhen Personal Injury Lawyers have been following, a 56-year mentally disabled resident in Minnesota was physically abused by being force-fed against her will. According to a Fox 9 News report, an employee from the Homeward Bound…


Negligence Lawsuit Demands Nursing Homes Install Patient Care Devices

In recent nursing home patient safety and technology news, our Maryland Nursing Home Abuse and Negligence Lawyers have been following the required development of electronic point-of-care devices, to be installed in Vestal Nursing Center, along with eight other nursing homes in New York. This nursing home healthcare technology development was…


Nursing Home Injury and Wrongful Death from Decubitus Ulcer Complications

In a previous post from this week, our Maryland Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyers discussed the serious problem of Decubitus ulcers in nursing homes—pressure sores or bedsores that develop when immobile residents go for too long without being moved. If a decubitus ulcer is not detected, the nursing home…


The Risk of Decubitus Ulcers—Resident Abuse and Negligence in Nursing Homes

Decubitus ulcers, also known as bedsores or pressure sores, are a serious problem in nursing homes today—a leading cause of nursing home injury that affects nearly one million Americans every year. Decubitus ulcers develop when the blood supply to a resident’s skin is cut off, due to unrelieved pressure on…


Violence in Nursing Homes—Protecting Elderly Residents from Criminals and the Mentally Ill

In yesterday’s post, our Maryland Nursing Home Injury Attorneys wrote about the difficulty of maintaining resident safety in nursing homes that take in mentally ill patients and violent criminals. Elderly nursing home residents who are often weak and unable to protect themselves from the violent actions of younger, mentally ill…

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