
Articles Posted in Nursing Home News


Nursing Homes Across the Country Shown to Be Hotbed for MRSA Virus

Late last month, an article by Newsmax Health conducted an investigation into a frightening statistic that the superbug MRSA can be found in roughly 25% of all U.S. nursing homes. According to the report, the largest contributing cause to the transmission of this antibiotic-resistant bug is contaminated gloves. The article,…


Nursing Home Rankings Should Be Taken Seriously by Prospective Residents

With the advent of the internet, it has become easier than ever to review our experiences with the various companies and institutions we do business with on a day-to-day basis. In fact, some suggest that the higher prevalence of peer reviews in an industry, the better the overall quality across…


Level of Care in Nursing Homes Expected to Decrease as Homes Focus on Short-Term Residents

Nursing homes traditionally cater to two types of residents:  short-term residents entering the facility after being treated for a disease or illness at a hospital, and long-term residents needing end-of-life care. Often, as one may expect, the needs of each of these groups are different. For example, a resident expecting…


New Regulations on Nursing Homes Hope to Bring Increased Quality of Care to Residents in Delmarva

It is a well-known fact that nursing homes do not enjoy an unblemished reputation when it comes to the quality of care they provide to their residents. In fact, it seems that one can hardly go a couple days without reading about some instance of abuse, neglect, or other misconduct…


Connecticut Nursing Home Cited for Several Failures in Care

Earlier this month, a local Connecticut newspaper published a long list of local nursing homes that had been cited by the state’s department of health for failures in nursing homes. One of those failures resulted in the preventable death of a resident. According to the report, back in November of last…


Nursing Home Video Catches Employees Abusing Elderly Patients

Earlier last month in Winter Park, Florida, two nursing home employees were caught on camera abusing a 76-year-old resident. According to one local news source, the two employees were seen on camera pretending to punch the man, stopping only inches from his face. They were also seen holding the man…


Jury Doles Out $14 Million Verdict Against Grossly Negligent Nursing Home

Recently, a Massachusetts jury delivered one of the largest verdicts in state history to a family who lost their loved one after a nursing home failed to provide adequate care for her during her final years. According to a report by the Boston Globe, the nursing home, which is located…

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