
Articles Posted in Nursing Home News


Understaffing Poses Serious Problems in Maryland Nursing Homes

With the population aging and life expectancies increasing, nursing homes are becoming a part of more and more Maryland residents’ lives. Although many Maryland nursing homes offer quality care and safe facilities, nursing home abuse and neglect are still persistent problems across the state. It can be difficult to know…


Will Maryland Be the Next State to Enact Strict Nursing Home Camera Laws?

Each year, more states enact laws that allow for cameras in nursing homes and assisted living homes, which provide much-needed protection for residents. The laws allow residents and their families to place cameras in the residents’ rooms. In 2003, Maryland enacted a law requiring the Maryland Department of Health and…


Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 2020 Priorities Signal Increased Protections for Maryland Nursing Home Residents

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency that oversees Medicare and Medicaid and works to identify and eliminate nursing home fraud and abuse, recently released a memorandum detailing their 2020 priorities. These updated priorities are important for Maryland families to understand, as they affect the rights of…


Proposed Legislation Would Ban Arbitration Agreements in Nursing Home Contracts in Maryland and Elsewhere

Abuse and neglect are serious problems in Maryland nursing homes, and incidents can lead to physical and psychological injuries, and even premature death. Maryland law allows victims or their families to file lawsuits against negligent nursing homes when incidents occur, but many residents may be waiving that right without knowing…


Standards for Caring for Nursing Home Patients in Maryland

Nursing homes must meet certain standards in caring for their residents. The standards that must be met vary, depending on the jurisdiction and the local laws and regulations. Generally, the standards require that a nursing home must provide its residents with a safe environment and that it must exercise reasonable…


Nursing Home Compare Website Adds Abuse Warning Icon, Upsetting Maryland Nursing Homes

More Maryland families are searching for nursing homes for their loved ones. Many utilize the Nursing Home Compare website run by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which offers information on certified nursing homes across the country. The website allows families to compare how nursing homes rank for…


Government Accountability Office Report Highlights Risk of Maryland Nursing Home Abuse

Across the country, approximately 1.4 million elderly or disabled individuals receive care in over 15,000 nursing homes. While many of these nursing homes take great care of their residents, a recent study from the U.S. Government and Accountability Office (GAO) finds that, unfortunately, nursing home abuse still occurs with some…


Social Media and Maryland Nursing Home Abuse

Recently, a national news publication reported on a disturbing assisted living center abuse case. The case highlights issues that many Maryland nursing home abuse victims and their families experience. According to the report, police investigated an assisted living facility after they received a call from a person who stated that…


Maryland Nursing Home Residents at Risk of Foodborne Illnesses

As the population ages, and life expectancy continues to increase, nursing homes are becoming a part of more and more Americans’ lives. As a result, Maryland nursing homes are caring for more residents than ever. Family members who place their loved one in a nursing home want to ensure that…


Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services Creates Alert to Warn of Nursing Home Abuse

Incidents of Maryland nursing home abuse can be challenging to quantify because many victims are unable to report their injuries. Additionally, loved ones are often placed in subpar institutions because their families did not have the means or ability to evaluate the facility adequately. These factors, in addition to many…

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