Articles Posted in Nursing Home Abuse

An Iowa nursing home is now facing licensing and other sanctions arising out of an incident of sexual abuse of a resident.

Additionally, the Iowa Board of Nursing Home Administrators is alleging that the former administrator is guilty of professional incompetence.

The various allegations stem from the Board finding that the home and its administrator should have known that one of the residents posed a threat to the other residents, and that it further failed to take necessary precautions in order to prevent anything from occurring. A hearing is scheduled to take place in October.

According to reports, the case is unusual in that the Board rarely takes action against individual administrators for abuse or neglect in the homes that they manage.

According to state inspection reports, several employees of the home were warned not to tell anyone that sex offenders were living within the home, or they would be fired.

One individual in particular had been living in the Iowa Civil Commitment Unit for Sex Offenders just prior to his stay in the Iowa nursing home. He was reportedly there due to convictions in four separate cases, being accused of lascivious acts with a child, indecent contact with a child, and assault with intent to commit sexual abuse.

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A man was shocked to recently discover that his grandmother, who suffers from Alzheimer’s, received extensive facial injuries, including a gruesome looking gash on her head, while living in a residential care facility. The victim is 88 years old, and wheelchair bound.

It remains unclear when or how the woman suffered the injuries. Her family members are hoping that it was some sort of terrible accident, rather than blatantly violent abuse. Police and other governmental officials are continuing an investigation into the matter. The investigation is said to be focusing on who was present around the time the injury occurred, and will consult those individuals who might have more information.

Additionally, news sources revealed that the nursing home where the woman was living has been cited several times in the past by Texas State officials responsible for regulating the home.

Among prior offenses, the home was previously cited for the following:

  • April 2011: the facility was cited for providing sub-standard care, and was forced to pay a $2,405 penalty
  • February 2012: the facility was again cited for providing sub-standard care, and was forced to pay a $6,500 penalty. Additionally, the state agency refused to pay the facility for admissions for almost an entire month last year.
  • March 2012: the department verified a complaint of mental and verbal abuse against a patient, but did not require the home to pay any fines. In that case, the agency found that the employee was solely at fault, as the proper protocols and procedures were in place.

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  • Although we would like to think it’s not the case, reports and lawsuits indicate that abuse within nursing homes and assisted care facilities are not isolated incidents.

    Following the recent U.S. trend regarding hidden cameras documenting nursing home abuse, an 85 year old resident in an Ontario long term care facility placed a camera in order to investigate his suspicions of abuse. The shocking results depicted an elderly woman with dementia being subjected to abuse and humiliation, and have since led to the suspension of at least four employees in that facility.

    According to various media reports, the video footage shows one worker repeatedly wrestling and hitting the woman, another wiping his nose onto her clean sheets, and yet another taunting her with rags smeared with her excrement. This is truly deplorable, and even more so considering the poor woman is 85 years old and suffers from dementia.

    The nursing home and government are conducting investigations, and police are looking into potentially filing criminal charges.

    Apparently, the particular facility involved in this case was actually subject to a class action lawsuit in 1999, detailing hundreds of individual cases of abuse. Then, in 2003, tape recorders set up by families captured staff psychologically and verbally abusing residents, and led to governmental intervention, including an investigation. The initial lawsuit settled just last month, resulting in a reported $7 million pay-out, to be divided among hundreds of abused residents and the families of those who had died during the 13 year long legal ordeal. The settlement also reportedly set aside funds for foundations that are dedicated to educating seniors and patients about their rights.

    It is uncommon for a single abusive act to be an isolated incident. Abuse often starts with small impositions upon patients’ rights, and then escalates. It is believed that the stem of these sorts of problems lies in the fact that homes are typically understaffed due to the low wages paid to employees there, as well as the small supply of workers willing to take these demanding jobs.

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    The Minnesota Department of Health recently published a report on its website, stating that it had substantiated claims of neglect and abuse in at least two different nursing homes.

    In the first case, a disabled resident was allegedly neglected when an employee left her inside of her room with the lights off, the call light out of reach, and the door closed.

    The report stated that another employee later found the resident on the floor with a broken leg and wrist. The employee responsible for the incident was subsequently disciplined, and later fired. The resident has since recovered, but her primary caregiver stated that, “the accident took a lot out of her.” The administrator of the nursing home acknowledged that mistakes sometimes happen, but that they will never compromise their residents’ safety, accounting for the decision to fire the employee responsible.

    No sanctions were issued against the facility. The report stated that the center had taken corrective action, which included the retraining of its employees regarding call light accessibility. It also conducted an audit of its call lights to ensure functionality.

    In a more shocking example of nursing home abuse, an accusation was substantiated regarding a resident allegedly being slapped, spit upon, and held agressively. Apparently, the staff members had been attempting to give the woman a shower, but she was kicking, hitting, and spitting at the three employees. According to reports, when the resident spit in a nursing assistant’s face, the woman responded by spitting back, slapping the resident on the mouth, and telling her to “stop acting like a 2 year old!” The nursing assistant denied the account, stating that she only put a washcloth in the resident’s mouth in order to keep her from spitting, but the third employee present at the time of the incident verified the exchange. The nursing assistant was suspended, and subsequently fired.

    In that case, the health department ordered the facility to take corrective action, which included updating the woman’s care plan to include her right to refuse a shower.

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    This week a former Wyoming nursing home employee pleaded no contest to obtaining goods by false pretenses. Malgorzata Burns, who was formerly a certified nursing assistant, has been accused of stealing thousands of dollars from an elderly resident with dementia who was under her care.

    During his statement the District Attorney explained how Burns allegedly used the 100 year old victim’s money to pay various credit card and other bills. He said she also forged four checks, totaling $7,200. He explained that the victim was a patient living at the care center where Burns worked. According to the statement, the man suffers from “aggressive and ongoing dementia.”

    Subject to the plea deal, Burns could serve up to ten years in prison. Prosecutors are also seeking to have the woman repay $13,000. Furthermore, as part of the agreement, prosecutors will dismiss charges of forgery and exploiting a vulnerable adult. Further complicating the situation for Burns, is the fact that she is a legal resident from Poland, meaning that a felony conviction could affect her ability to remain in the country.

    The misdeeds were initially discovered by an employee of a non-profit guardian organization, who noticed suspicious activity in the man’s bank accounts. Such discrepancies included several online payments to a cable and internet provider, and for credit cards that did not belong to the man. The District Attorney further stated that the man does not even know how to use the Internet.

    According to a document from the Wyoming State Board of Nursing, Burns had worked at the facility since December 2009, but resigned last June after the allegations arose. Her nursing assistant certification was suspended by the Board shortly thereafter in August.

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    A Toledo, Ohio nursing home closed in January 2013 after losing its Medicare and Medicaid provider status, receiving notice of federal fines approaching $140,000, and facing loss of its state license. Ongoing concerns regarding the quality of care led to multiple investigations by state and federal officials. The alleged, unreported assault of a resident in mid-2012 led to a push by state officials to shut the facility down.

    Two state agencies opened investigations of Liberty Nursing Center of Toledo after the alleged sexual assault of a resident. The facility provides elder care and treats patients with severe mental illness. According to the Toledo Blade, nurses found a male patient on top of a female patient in her room on July 26, 2012, in what appeared to be an act of assault. The male patient had a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder and a history of sexual aggression. The facility allegedly transferred the male patient to a hospital after notifying his psychiatrist. After determining that the male patient did not make sexual contact with the female patient, however, an administrator allegedly instructed staff to “clean up” the patient. She did not receive any examination after the alleged assault, and no further action was taken, including notification of law enforcement, health officials, or the woman’s guardian.

    The Ohio Department of Health (ODOH) notified Liberty on August 9 that it intended to revoke the facility’s license, which would force it to close. It cited the July incident, along with other allegations of abuse, neglect, and deficiencies in quality of care. Several residents have left the facility without permission or supervision in recent years, according to ODOH.

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    The guardian of an Oregon woman, now deceased, who was the victim of sexual assault in a nursing home has filed suit against the nursing home and its incarcerated former employee. The lawsuit claims elder abuse based on the sexual assault, a civil claim allowed under Oregon law, and seeks $1.5 million in damages.

    The victim, whose name has not been disclosed by the news media, was a resident of Valley West Health Care Center in Eugene, Oregon. She had suffered several strokes and was unable to speak. She had resided at Valley West for about one year when, on December 22, 2010, an employee reportedly walked into the 56 year-old woman’s room and saw another employee, 61 year-old Robert Price, touching the woman’s genital area. The employee reported the matter to Valley West management, who reportedly contacted police.

    Prosecutors charged Price with first-degree sexual abuse and first-degree attempted sexual abuse, both felonies. They contended that the victim was unable to consent due to mental defect, mental incapacitation, and physical helplessness. Price pleaded not guilty to sexual abuse, but later entered a guilty plea on the attempted sexual abuse charge, which carries a lesser mandatory prison sentence. State law defines “attempted” sexual abuse as an act that involves a “substantial step towards completing” actual sexual abuse. Price was sentenced to forty-five months in prison on February 4, 2011, and he remains incarcerated to this day.

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    A certified nursing assistant at a Wisconsin nursing home faces criminal charges for the alleged abuse of a patient over a six-month period. At least two other employees reported seeing her physically assaulting the nursing home resident on multiple occasions. The felony charges could result in a substantial prison sentence.

    Two certified nursing assistants at Crest View Nursing Home in New Lisbon, Wisconsin reported witnessing the abuse of an 86 year-old resident by another certified nursing assistant, Ginger Newlin. One of the witnesses reported seeing Newlin, among other acts of assault, verbally abuse the elderly woman and spit in her face. The other witness reported incidents of abuse that occurred at least once a week, beginning in October or November 2011. In addition to physical abuse, she reported hearing Newlin threaten the woman, such as threats to break the woman’s fingers.

    Prosecutors charged Newlin with at least two felony counts in June 2012. She faces a charge of abuse of a patient, a broadly-defined offense that could include physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, unconsented treatment, or unreasonable restraint. “Patient” expressly includes nursing home residents and other elder or vulnerable adults. Penalties vary depending on whether the alleged abuse was intentional, reckless, or negligent, and on the degree of harm or risk of harm that resulted from the alleged abuse. The most severe offenses, described as intentional or reckless abuse resulting in death, are treated as Class C felonies. This can result in up to forty years in prison and fines of up to $100,000. Reckless or negligent abuse that is likely to, but does not, cause “great bodily harm” is a Class I felony, punishable by a maximum of three-and-a-half years’ imprisonment and a $10,000 fine.

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    A maintenance worker at an assisted-living facility in Albany, New York was fired and then arrested for the alleged sexual abuse of a 91 year-old resident. Media coverage of the incident has indicated that the man is a registered sex offender with convictions from the 1980’s for rape and other offenses. The owner of the facility reportedly did not know about the maintenance worker’s criminal history or status as a sex offender. The incident also led to the termination of an administrator at the facility and demands by a county official for stricter background check requirements for adult home employees.

    An employee at the Loudonville Home for Adults alleged that they witnessed a maintenance worker sexually abusing a 91 year-old female resident on November 30, 2012. The man had reportedly gone to the woman’s room to change a lightbulb, when the employee making the report saw him put his hands down the front of the woman’s shirt without her consent . The nursing home fired the maintenance worker immediately upon hearing of the alleged abuse.

    The maintenance worker is a Level 3 sex offender, according to the Times Union. Under the risk levels assigned by the state of New York, Level 3 indicates the highest level of risk for repeat offenses and threats to public safety. The man was reportedly convicted in 1984 for the 1983 rape of a woman in Saratoga County. He spent sixteen years in prison until his parole in 2000. After his community supervision ended in 2008, he was hired at Loudonville.

    Police arrested the maintenance worker on December 20, 2012 in connection with the alleged sexual abuse. He allegedly confessed to police after his arrest. He now faces charges for felony endangering the welfare of a vulnerable elderly person and misdemeanor sexual abuse. As of mid-January 2013, he remained at the Albany County Jail, where law enforcement is holding him on $25,000 bond.

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    Recently, NBC10 Philadelphia reported that two former workers at a nursing home in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, were arrested after being caught on camera abusing a resident. Nursing home abuse and neglect are unfortunately common occurrences, but rarely do victims have the benefit of direct evidence as here.

    According to the story, the daughter of the victim was concerned about the treatment her mother was receiving at the nursing home, so she installed hidden cameras to monitor the room. When she reviewed what was captured on camera, the abuse was indisputable, the news article reports. Both workers are reportedly charged with neglect of a care dependent person, reckless endangerment, simple assault, and harassment.

    It should not be incumbent on the friends and relatives of nursing home residents to oversee the care. Nursing homes owe their residents a duty of care, and abuse or negligence by the workers is an unmitigated breach of that duty. Often, friends and family members must rely on circumstantial evidence of abuse or neglect, such as the appearance of unusual activity in bank accounts and credit cards, unexplained bruises and scratches, or bedsores. None of these alone is conclusive evidence of abuse or neglect, but if you see any of this, you should be alert to the possibility.

    Although the placement of hidden cameras in this situation appears to have led to a positive outcome, such is not always the case. The recording of individuals without their knowledge or permission violates Maryland state law. Although it might be tempting to do so, particularly if you suspect that people are taking advantage of a friend or loved one, you should pursue lawful means of ascertaining the facts.

    Even if nursing homes were to install surveillance cameras to protect its residents from abuse and neglect, that too could lead to unforeseen negative consequences. Just as we’ve seen with the Transportation Security Administration’s abuse of full-body scanners, the workers charged with monitoring the cameras could use them for nefarious purposes.

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