In a previous blog, our Maryland-based Nursing Home Attorneys discussed a nursing home abuse case involving employees from Madison Manor, one of the Richmond Health and Rehabilitation Complex homes in Kentucky, who pleaded guilty of resident abuse.
This week, another lawsuit was brought against one of the Richmond complex homes—Kenwood Nursing Home. Charles Brock, the son of former patient Margaret Brock, is accusing the home of wrongful death, alleging that the nursing home administrators and employees failed to provide Brock’s mother with quality care, and protect her legal right to nursing home heath and safety.
According to the lawsuit, Margaret Brock, was admitted Kenwood Nursing Home on August 27, 2008 at the age of 80. Brock’s son claims that the home violated multiple nursing home health and safety regulations during her stay at the home—that lead to her wrongful death.
Brock claims that while under the care of Kenwood nursing home, his mother suffered nursing home falls, medication errors, malnutrition, dehydration, and pneumonia. Brock also reportedly suffered infections in the home including sepsis, methicillin-sensitive staphylococcus aureus, as well as great amounts of pain and eventually death.