According to a recent local news article, a nursing aide is under arrest on charges she abused a patient in Springfield Township, Hamilton County court records show. The aide is accused of assaulting a Burlington House Healthcare Center patient, according to her arrest report from Springfield Township police. Burlington House Healthcare Center is a memory care community that specializes in Alzheimer’s and dementia patients, according to its website. The aide hit the victim with multiple items and even “forcibly restrained” the patient by “pushing down on the victim’s chest and face,” her arrest report states. She was arrested Tuesday on charges of patient abuse or neglect, assault, and failing to provide for a functionally impaired person. The week before, someone at Burlington House Healthcare Center alerted Springfield Township police that they were investigating possible patient abuse. An incident report also was filed. The aide that was arrested and another nurse aide, the report says, “may have abused” the patient early in the morning on April 24. The report states that “Burlington House head nurse advised there were no signs of any injury. There was no visible injury.”
Selecting a good nursing home or care facility for your loved ones is a difficult and trying process. Trusting an elder or group home to help our loved ones and family members following hospitalizations or for long-term care is a stressful and complicated decision. That choice can be even more nerve-wracking when widespread practices of elder abuse, medication errors, and financial abuse are uncovered. When nursing homes and care facilities fail to meet the basic requirements of care for residents, they must be held accountable.
Why Does Nursing Home Abuse Go Largely Unreported?
There is an inherent power balance between residents and staff in nursing homes. Staff members are in charge of feeding, treating, and caring for residents, often making residents fully or largely reliant on staff members. That imbalance can result in a hesitation to report or take action when abuses are occurring. Additionally, many residents may have trouble directly or clearly communicating their experiences. As a result, it often falls to visitors and loved ones to advocate for them when things go wrong. It is extremely important to take a resident seriously if they disclose or report instances of nursing home neglect or abuse.