Nursing homes must meet certain standards in caring for their residents. The standards that must be met vary, depending on the jurisdiction and the local laws and regulations. Generally, the standards require that a nursing home must provide its residents with a safe environment and that it must exercise reasonable care in caring for its residents. In a Maryland nursing home abuse or neglect case, a plaintiff must show that the nursing home failed to meet its duty in properly caring for the resident under the circumstances. Courts may use different standards, such as national standards set forth for nursing home care and a nursing home’s internal policies.
Many nursing home cases involve neglect rather than intentional abuse. Examples of potential neglect include unsanitary living conditions and poor personal hygiene, which can cause sicknesses, especially to residents who are often already sick and elderly.
Almost 35,000 people die each year from drug-resistant infections, according to recent data from public health officials. The latest projection of deaths in the country is double the previous estimates, revealing the prevalence of drug-resistant infections, as one recent news source reported.
Many states and institutions have been resistant to identifying the presence of Candida Auris, a deadly fungus that is resistant to many drugs and has been spreading throughout the world. According to a recent news report, New York recently became the first state to release the names of medical facilities that treated patients with Candida Auris. It found a new fungus present in 64 hospitals and 103 nursing homes. People with compromised immune systems are especially susceptible to the fungus, which spreads easily. State officials said that nursing homes and hospitals need to acknowledge the presence of the fungus and address it.
The update was released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A senior adviser there said that someone in the United States gets a resistant infection every 11 seconds, and someone dies every 15 minutes. The CDC’s report found that 2.8 million people become sick each year in the United States from pathogens that have become resistant to anti-microbial drugs. The number is 800,000 more per year since the last report was issued in 2013. Drug resistance has become a greater issue as germs develop defenses in the face of extinction with the use of antibiotics and anti-fungal drugs.
Has Your Family Member Suffered from Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect?
If your loved one has suffered from abuse or neglect at a nursing home, contact a Maryland nursing home abuse lawyer as soon as possible. Other residents may be at risk, and by taking action to hold nursing home employees and administrators accountable, you may prevent future incidents of abuse or neglect. The lawyers at Lebowitz & Mzhen, Personal Injury Lawyers have two decades of experience representing victims throughout Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. Nursing home residents are entitled to proper care, and an injury attorney can help assess whether you should pursue a claim against a nursing home. For a free consultation, contact us at 1-800-654-1949 or fill out our online form.